Papers, 1979-1994 (inclusive).


Papers, 1979-1994 (inclusive).

Collection consists of a transcript of four interviews with Erskine concerning her mother and her work researching New England gravestones, houses, and other structures, February 1979; also one photograph of Forbes (PC1-193-1); clippings re: Erskine, 1989-1994; and a letter applying for funding for a film documentary on Forbes, 1979.

1 folder.

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Forbes family. (family)

Association for Gravestone Studies (corporateBody)

Founded in 1977, the Association for Gravestone Studies (AGS) is an international organization dedicated to furthering the study and preservation of gravestones. Based in Greenfield, Mass., the Association promotes the study of gravestones from historical and artistic perspectives. To raise public awareness about the significance of historic gravemarkers and the issues surrounding their preservation, the AGS sponsors conferences and workshops, publishes both a quarterly newsletter and annual jou...

Erskine, Katharine Forbes, 1889-1990. (person)

A civic volunteer and longtime resident of Worcester, Mass., Katharine Forbes Erskine was the daughter of Harriette Merrifield Forbes, a photographer, historian, and author of Early New England Gravestones and the Men Who Made Them, 1653-1800. From the description of Papers, 1979-1994 (inclusive). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122583137 ...

Forbes, Harriette Merrifield, 1856-1951. (person)

Harriette Forbes was an author and historian from Worcester, Ma. Her husband was Judge William Trowbridge Forbes and her daughter, Esther Forbes, was a novelist. Forbes wrote New England Diaries, Orderly Books and Sea Journals, 1923, and Gravestones of Early New England and the Men Who Made Them, 1927. From the description of Glass plate negatives of New England gravestones, 1925-1939. (Winterthur Library). WorldCat record id: 122559240 Author of Gravestones of Early New Eng...